Support vital abortion stigma busting efforts today!



Please find the main page with the general information to apply for our Bloom Grants here.


Applicants are encouraged to have the following documents and information ready when filling out the application form:

  • One sentence that summarizes your plans with the Bloom grant funding.
  • Lead contact name and email address.
  • Information about your organization/collective/network:
    • Staff/volunteer composition of your organization.
    • Previous year’s operating budget, or narrative description of how the organization is resourced.
    • How the fight against abortion stigma shows up in you/your organization.
  • You/your organization’s mission and general approach to reducing or eliminating abortion stigma.
  • You/your organization’s goals for 2023-24.
  • You/your organization’s needs for 2023-24 (These can be core needs, such as organizational care, capacity, health, and/or project needs to support a specific abortion stigma-busting project).
  • Activities proposed for the 2023-24 period.
  • The impact you wish for your activities to have.
  • How you will document and share your learnings and activities with the inroads network.
  • The amount of funding that you are requesting (between USD 1,000 to 5,000).
  • Your willingness to participate in reviewing and scoring other Bloom applications, as part of the inroads participatory review process in grantmaking.
  • If part of a larger funded organization clarify if the project is otherwise under-funded and is designed to nourish the abortion-stigma busting community.


All inroads grant opportunities are designed for members of our community of stigma-busters – This means flexible funding to sustain their work, support their care and collective power, spark collaborations, and ensure resistance and persistence amid threats, criminalization, and compounding crises. Bloom grants, specifically, are designed to support the community care needs of members as well as other efforts that target abortion stigma.

While inroads would like to support all of our members, with a network of more than 2000 individual members, all grant windows are competitive. We offer these core principles and guidelines so that applicants better understand what inroads can support.

The funding groups, organizations, and collectives that will be prioritized:

  • Are grassroots groups that are usually excluded from funding resources and facing multiple injustices, especially: the community with disabilities, LGBTQIA2S+ community, and Indigenous and other racialized communities.
  • Apply an intersectional approach to understanding stigma and recognize or aim to mitigate or transform inequalities and power relations that affect people’s ability to provide or access abortion.
  • Interrupt or dismantle rigid binaries that reduce the effectiveness and power of our movement (e.g. safe v. unsafe, man v. woman, legal v. illegal, etc.)
  • Engage with a new community, group, partner, or issue for the network or break new ground in engaging with and/or partnering with at-risk or historically marginalized groups
  • Explore work that is aligned with inroads core values and strategic goals
  • Are registered and unregistered groups. We recognize and value how abortion works in each context requires different strategies and that many groups work without registration as a protection mechanism. Our role is to ensure we can support both types of groups.
  • Are groups with organizational budgets under $75,000 USD -- With the exception of: Projects or initiatives placed within organizations that have more resources will only be eligible if the project is otherwise under-funded and is designed to nourish the abortion-stigma busting community.


How can I find the form to apply for Bloom Grants?
You can find all of the information you need on the <a href="/get-involved/grants/"> inroads website </a>. On the Bloom Grants information page, you can find all of the information about eligibility, how to apply, and a downloadable template that you can use to prepare your application. Once you are ready to apply, click on the “Apply Here” button at the bottom of the page. There are buttons for you to apply in English, in Spanish, and in French
Can individuals apply for Bloom Grants?
The current round of grants is designed for reproductive justice grassroots groups. However, some groups have an agreement with an individual authorized to receive and manage funds on the group’s behalf. If that is the case, inroads will require a letter detailing the authorization to receive funds. Individuals who received grant funds on behalf of a group or collective may be subject to taxes or other local requirements. However, applicants are required to enter the name of an <b>individual inroads member</b> in the “Lead Applicant” field- this should be the name of the person who is accountable for this grant application, and will be accountable for reporting if they are awarded a grant.
Can organizations that are not registered apply for funding?
Many grassroots groups are not registered, and are eligible for seed grant funding. Inroads will work with awardees who have an organizational bank account, a fiscal sponsor, or an authorized individual to receive funds. Groups do not need to be registered to apply for funding.
What is fiscal sponsorship
Fiscal sponsorship is a contractual agreement that allows a tax-exempt organization with a registered bank account, to receive funds and perform other administrative duties on behalf of another organization.
If I’ve just joined inroads, can I apply for Bloom Grants?
If you were not a member of inroads before the current application window opened, then you are not eligible to apply for the current round of BloomGrants. If you are a brand new member, or are just now hearing about inroads, we encourage you to <a href="/get-involved/join-inroads">join</a>, interact with other members, and participate in inroads spaces and events. We anticipate future funding opportunities for members!
How can I tell if I’m an inroads member? How do I activate my profile in the inroads Community Workspace
If you applied to be a member and got an email to confirm your membership, then you are an inroads member. If you are still not sure, write to <a href=""> </a> to confirm your membership status. </br> </br> All members should have received an invitation to activate their profile on the <a href="">inroads Community Workspace</a>. If you cannot find yours, please contact <a href=""></a>.
Will I be able to apply if I have already received funding from inroads?
If you have received funding from inroads on 2 or more occasions, you or your organization won’t be eligible for this round of grants.
Can I apply for a Bloom Grant with different proposals?
No, inroads will only receive one proposal from one person, organization, collective, grassroots group, etc.
Do I need to use some stigma indicators?
Inroads does not require specific stigma indicators to receive funding. We do expect that applicants will have some way to monitor their progress and assess their work. If an inroads member is interested in specifically measuring stigma, then consider this <a href="">collection of stigma measurement resources</a>.
Will intersectionality with related and aggravating issues be considered?
Yes, we will consider proposals with other related areas of intersecting and compounding stigma. Applicants that center the leadership and experiences of people who hold intersecting and marginalized identities and experiences are preferred.
Do you fund existing models or new proposals only?
The Bloom grants will fund new proposals. Bloom grants are not designed as an ongoing funding source, rather they are designed to support inroads members with new ideas and approaches.
What's the project duration?
The project duration is 1 year for the Bloom grants. Inroads understands that various factors can impact timing of activities and expenditures, and will work with any grantee should they need to extend a timeline.
What is the project expected start date?
The project start date will be the day of receipt of funds.
Will you consider interventions on the basis of country context?
Yes. Country context will be taken into consideration when reviewing the proposed projects.
Where can I find all details, eligibility criteria and core purposes of this years Bloom Grants?
Please find that information in the <a href="./">main page of the 2023 Bloom Grants</a>.


The International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma (inroads) was launched in 2014 to provide needed and critical community space for those working on abortion stigma-busting efforts. We envision a world where abortion care is centered around the needs of those who have them. Where stigma, fear, and misinformation about abortion can be eradicated through collective culture change to eliminate abortion stigma. We are creating a future where we have the tools to transform systemic, legal, medical, and interpersonal levels of stigma by funding movements and strengthening connections within the global community of abortion advocates, artists, scholars, activists, journalists, community workers, and providers.

As the only global network focused on abortion stigma, we firmly believe and are deeply committed to supporting the transformational power of our diverse community leading vital work to create a world free of abortion stigma. After all, real change only manifests through our collective brilliance and power.

Learn more about our mission, vision, values, and approaches here.