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Publication | Our Collective Wisdom: A letter from the inroads cohorts


Dear stigma-busters

This letter comes from the inroads community cohorts centering queer abortions, abortion justice intersections with disability justice, and abortion accompaniment.

The missive is an invitation to engage with reflections to build caring spaces, equitable processes, authentic engagement, and fearless approaches toward a world without abortion stigma.

A message filled with metaphors and collective wisdom. The metaphors may, at first glance, appear contrary. However, we encourage you to find the co-existence in them (the “BOTH/AND”), that the work of abortion stigma-busting must be one of breaking binaries and creating transformative processes.

We hope this offering serves our growing community to reflect on how we can keep building an inclusive, equitable, fearless, and participatory stigma-busting abortion justice movement.

Download the publication in English, Spanish, and French.