Support vital abortion stigma busting efforts today!


Bloom Grants: 180+ powerful applications to fund abortion justice worldwide!


We received over 180 powerful applications to fund abortion justice worldwide! We thank every person and group that shared their vital work💚

After a participatory community-led process, we finalized the selection of 7 new grantee partners and notified all applicants a few days ago.

We feel very grateful and inspired to be part of a community with so many passionate and fearless individuals and organizations determined to do vital work to build a world free of abortion stigma.

Unfortunately, we can only fund a small percentage of projects proposed despite receiving many strong applications. We are committed to mobilizing resources to support the transformative abortion justice work inroads members are leading all over the world.

We invite donors to support the abortion justice ecosystem!
Donate here to support inroads efforts to resource and support a network of over 2,500 fearless activists, artists, advocates, and community organizations dedicated to advancing stigma-free abortion in 120+ countries.

🌱Learn more about inroads participatory grantmaking.